Thursday, November 18, 2010

Wow! It is now November....where did the summer go? And, wasn't it a great summer! We had warm, sunny weather almost every day! the guests just loved playing on the beach. My garden turned out wonderful, very colorful but needed lots of watering! Now it looks a bit sad. No snow has happened south of us. We are waiting, plow is on the old truck, deck chairs, tables and grills are all in cold storage. The loons are still here, but they look like they should leave....very small in size and grey! I noticed a bit of ice forming on the lake, it is time. The blue jays have returned along with the pair of piliated wood peckers. I am tempted to feed the chick a dees, but Sadie thinks I feed them for her amusement! Things are quiet guest wise, just had the last of the deer hunters leave. Our entire family is appearing for Thanksgiving! So, this is the time that I spend preparing our home for guests. Ernie will be having his long awaited back surgery December 1st at Mayo. Will update you after the procedure. He is ready.
Have a great Thanksgiving everyone! Remember as you gather, make your vacation plans! Our website has been updated.

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